Jar with coins spread out on a table

Business Savings & Money Market

The smart play for pro-active businesses

Next month, next quarter, the next phase of your five-year plan. The only sure thing about running a business is that at some point an unbudgeted expense will come out of nowhere. At HHSB, we offer two good options for putting your cash reserves to work until they're needed to keep your finances firmly on track.

Account HHSB Business Savings HHSB Business Money Market
Features Create an account for new opportunities or a safety net for unexpected expenses

Grow your money at a competitive rate

Cash Management available
Grow your money at a higher rate while maintaining anytime access

6 checks per statement cycle

Free Mobile Deposit (2 per day)

Cash Management available
Minimum to Open $100 $100
Monthly Services Charge None None
Online Banking and Mobile Banking Yes Yes


Hoosier Heartland State Bank is a full-service bank with locations throughout West Central Indiana.

Minimum balance requirements, transaction limits per cycle or certain fees may apply to some account types. Please contact any branch office for additional information about any of our savings accounts.

Please contact our financial professional for additional savings options.